
Monday, January 31, 2011

Piggy Snap; Even More Crested Piggies

Its an invasion LOL

Mystery Agents Addytude and Tiny

Addytude's favorite food is any food that her cage mate Amanda has first! LOL her favorite toy in the double hut in their cage as she likes to drive it around the cage. she weighs in at 1064 grams. She is a sweet heart and has a tude!! so her nick name we call her is Addytude!!

Tny's favorite food is carrot. His favorite passtime is taking the hay out of his bin and making a lovely bed out of it. He was the smallest pig when he first arrived here. I gave him the nick name "Tiny". He now weighs in at a hefty 1500 grams!! He is a very very gentle pig.

Addytude and Tiny are part of a mixed herd living in Illinois, Addytude's real name starts with an A and the first part sounds very similar to Addy the name is English in origin and means noble.

Tiny's real name is the same as the first part of a type of quilt made from little squares, you may remember I mixed him up with another agent a while ago ooooops.

Get guessing

1 comment:

  1. More lovely crested piggies! We are enjoying meeting them all.

    We think that these two are Misfits. Is Agent Addytude's real name Adaline? Agent Tiny must be Patchwork. We remember the names being mixed up before.
