
Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Eve Cage

Since J will not be staying with us tonight, so she made us a New Years Eve Cage to distract us from the loud bangs and flashes;

New Years Eve Cage, phase I
Remove all hard and sharp objects from the cage and replace them with softer things (In our case; a cardboardbox to feel safe, a snugglesafe to feel warm and a basket to lie in something soft).

MOST IMPORTANT STEP: Sprinkle veggies around the cage! (parsley and chicory)

New Years Eve Cage, phase II
Put in lots and lots and lots of HAY!!!

New Years Eve Cage, phase III
Insert Piggies!  
That is what we call festive decoration!

Happy New Year!
Agent I and Agent Piggy Galore

1 comment:

  1. How mean that slave went out without on new years eve, we would make sure she makes it up to you with lots of treats.

    Mummy had a migraine and went to bed at 7pm she then woke up at 10pm and watched Gangs of New York which was good coz we got to come out and run around until 1am
