
Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Pigmas from the Piggyfriends

We can't all be in the Pigmas Pigture so Agent Thorntons was chosen as he will sit still and not eat the tinsel.
As her friend, Agent Butterloaf is in a Pigmas pigture, Agent Flower had to be as well so here she is too. 
Merry Pigmas everyone and everypig from the Piggyfriends.


  1. The Surrey Squeakers24 December, 2010 23:29

    Merry Christmas Piggyfriends! We bet there are lots of stockings hanging up in your house!

  2. Good agents not eating the tinsel, bet it tastes yucky anyway.

  3. Even better than stockings - Slave's son came down for the holidays and went out with a shovel and shears and brought us in some grass.

    Yum Yum. The very Christmas Dinner.

  4. Wow, what a great setup piggyfriends! Agent Flower does look like Agent Butterloaf! What cute piggies.
