
Friday, November 5, 2010

Eating Tomatoes

Agent Minty reporting.
Here are pigtures of myself and my friend, Copper, eating tomatoes. We just love them. I wanted our pigtures taken outdoors so that my eyes would look the proper colour but it was raining and windy and I decided that I would make do with Slave's useless camerawork and she took these in the playpen. Copper didn't mind as his eyes are red anyway.
These are tiny cherry tomatoes so Slave only cut them into halves. As winter is coming the tomato plants in the greenhouse will not produce many more fruits so Slave will have to buy them from the supermarket. They do not taste as good as the home grown ones but we will eat them all up.
Yum yum.


  1. We want to know why Copper doesnt have his own plate!!

  2. Minty says.......

    Slave put four pieces of tomato on the plate for us to share, hoping to take a pigture of us both together. Copper took one piece and ran off with it, ruining the photo.

  3. I just found a post of a cat enjoying Tomatoes: (copy and past in your adress bar)
