
Friday, October 22, 2010

Piggy snap: Lemon agouti's

Lets meet the lemon agoutis......

Agent Not So Lil Woop

Agent A for Agouti

Mystery Agent Avatar

Lets meet the new mystery agent......

I am going to pick the agent name of Avatar.

I picked this because Slave enjoyed the film of that name ( and there is a link between it and my real name ). They wouldn't let guinea pigs into the cinema so we will have to wait until it comes on the television.

My favourite food is fresh grass with cucumber a close second.

I love playing with the girls in my group.

I am a nurse piggy when we have virtual adventures

Agent Avatar is a female piggy living in a mixed herd in the UK her real name is the same as a very famous box in Greek mythology and also the planet in a recent 3D film she has given you that clue already in her choice of agent name.

So get guessing


  1. Pandora, me iz such a supa kleveh peeg! The lemon agoutis are all veh pretty!

  2. Ow yes, in addition to what M wrote in this post.
    How do you know you have a lemon agouti or a cream agouti?
    Apparently the difference is the color of the ears and eyes. The distictions between lemon and cream agouti are
    Lemon: dark eyes and ears, lemon colored tummy
    Cream: ruby eyes, light colored ears, cream colored tummy

    I found pigtures and this information here:

    Grtz proud Mommy of the Guinygirlz and Valentino

  3. Agent Avatar says "Well done Dido. Clever piggy"
