
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Veggie of the wheek: Carrots

It's time for another veggie,

this is not our favorite but it's okay, Here our slave buys the variant that has slender carrots and with the green tops still on.
Some supermarkets have a trashcan next tot the carrots so you can throw away the tops before you leave the store! Why would you do that? All these lovely lush green tops, what a waste!
Here you see us enjoying some carrot tops, Yum!

Btw, we even read on a website (see below) that you humans can eat the carrot tops, Well don't get any ideas (the website has recipes) and just keep those tops coming towards us!

Here's a pigture of our Daisy eating a carrot,
She shows the version where you keep your (little) paw on top of the carrot for eating comfort, and it helps to keep your carrot safe from veggie snatchers...

The nutritional value of the carrot according to guinealynx is:

Guinea Lynx'
100 gram Percent Energy Protein Ascorbic Calcium Phosph. Ca:P
portions Water (Kcal) (g) Acid(C) (mg) (mg) Ratio
Carrots, Baby 89.81 38 0.84 8.4 23 38 0.6:1
Carrots 87.79 43 1.03 9.3 27 44 0.6:1
Also we must mention Carrots are pretty high in sugar, It's okay for healthy piggies we guess, but if you have diabetes as a piggy, this veggie should be avoided....

Did you know England has an actual Carrot museum!!
It says on their website that the Dutch have bred the carrot to become orange
"A tale, probably apocryphal, has it that the orange carrot was bred in the Netherlands in the seventeenth century to honour William of Orange."
More on their website:

Well, Do show or tell us what kind of carrots you eat!

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