
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lets Meet Agent 7

What is your special agent name and why did you chose it? I am Agent 7 cause 7 is a lucky number

Where do you live, which state? I live in Oregon USA

Who do you live with? I live with me mommy slave Sandy

What is your favourite food? Romaine! Romaine! Romaine! organic and dripping wet and crisp

What is your favourite toy? I luv driving my piggloo aroun, I can put it over my food dish when its too cold out.

What is the best thing about being you? I am a pirate and I was a good bruder to da late Manny da Boar, and da very Best is I luv my fiance Jodie Da Pig, she is soft an cuddly she make me happy

Any other comments you would like to add? I like to go each spring on secret agent trips to guard da swimming leatherback turtles and I belong to a group dat guards da nest of turtle eggs and den wee keep away da birds so dey can get to da ocean when dey hatch. Last year da oder secret agent pigs went wit me but I cant say who cause it's a secret.

Welcome Agent 7.

See Agent F I kept my promise



  1. Another pigloo driver! Perfect for covert operations. Agent 7 looks very nice and round!

  2. Welcome Agent 7!! We think you are a very intellegent looking pigger! We think its great your a pigloo driver too! we have several here that love to drive them too!

  3. Such a handsome piggy!
