
Friday, July 16, 2010

Marvellous Momma

Agent Momma, has agreed to take part in a little friendly competition, the Agent who can guess correctly the number of mini pigs and the sex of the mini pigs in Momma's tummy will win the honour of being Agent of the month.

Here are some pigtures to give you a clue.

How Many Mini Pigs?

How Many Boys and How Many Girls?

We think Agent Momma is gorgeous we love her little stripes

We are guessing 3 mini's 2 girls and a boy

Dont worry you can use the same guess as us, we will just have multiple agents of the month if more than one of us is right ;)


  1. I'm guessing 2 mini's (or should we pick 4?) all boys.

    Kinda hope we are wrong, so they can be added to the big herds...

  2. The Surrey Squeakers16 July, 2010 16:50

    You look very like our Mocha! The Surrey Squeakers guess 2 mini pigs, both boys. Welcome, Agent Momma.

  3. What a pretty piggy momma! Agent Cannonball would like to guess 3 piggies, all ladies.

  4. What a pretty piggie!

    Whee are guessing 3 minipigs, 2 boys and 1 girlie.

  5. Agent Dinasour guesses three boys
    Agent Bumble Bee guesses three girls:)

  6. We do love Momma's little stripes. Such a pretty piggy.

    Agents Big Red, Badger, Carrot, Thorntons, 101 and Minty can't agree on the number of piglets but have compromised on 2 boys and one girl.

    We just hope that all goes well when the time comes and we know that all the little piglets will be loved and cherished whatever they are.
