
Saturday, June 5, 2010

We Have Power..........

OK so we never lost power but you know what me means

We are back online again hurray

Mummy is still fed up as she cant leave the house without getting stuck in road works and she cant understand why they are digging up the same roads that they dug up less than a year ago.

It must be a human thing, why would you want to leave the house unless it was to go to the garden???

Talking of gardens while we have had no internet we have been very busy mowing the lawn!!


  1. Welcome back Agent F.

    Don't forget that the humans need to leave to house to buy our veggies so the sooner those roadworks are finished the better.

  2. Glad you never lost power. That is not fun at all. Last year a bad storm hit here and we lost power for over a week.. the whole earea did... it was not fun.. it was also hot at the time this was happining..
    Our mommie works at a groc store and they lost soo much product. Such a horrible waste.. We offered to go eat all the vegs and greens from the store.. but the manager said no.. stupid man.!
