
Saturday, May 15, 2010

How Do You Eat Yours?

Humans here in the UK have a chocolate called Cadburys Cream Egg all the adverts ask how they eat them, so me has decided to find out how piggies eat different food.

My first how do you eat yours? is a general question, when your human gives you fresh food what do you do with it?

Mummy gives us a selection like carrot, romaine and pepper....... Ghost will grab one piece say carrot and run off to a corner to eat it, me will flop out by the food bowl and start munching whatever me likes, by the time Ghost gets back me has eaten at least double what he has.

When me was an only pig me used to grab all the fresh food out of the bowl and drag it to the sleeping area, me would then eat it all there.

So how do you eat yours??


  1. The Surrey Squeakers15 May, 2010 23:30

    We have varied styles, Agent F. In fact, short-sighted people viewing us from the patio doors of the house could actually identify us from our eating styles! Some of us like to eat the food wherever it's given to us. Others like to drag it off to their favourite place and eat it in private!

  2. We like to take our food first, so most of us will stand on our hind legs to get the piece first.
    Not-so-lil'Woop likes to jup on top of something so she is even higher. Valentino will sometimes just grab one of the girls pieces, and occasionally he will stand on his hind legs as well. Usually he will let the girls go first. Sometimes he's a bit of a chicken and won't dare to take the pieces from our slave...

  3. we are very greedy piggies here... we get our veggie plates in the morning.. and at nine at night we start squeeking for our nite treat! yes we are very very greedy when it comes to our veggie plates. some of us just sit on the plate and go to town.. others are more descret and hide in their hidy hut and eat it right up:)
