
Monday, April 12, 2010

Me Has Been to the Vet

Me has a skin infection in a very delicate place, girls stop reading now.... ok me confesses it is my testicle.

Yesterday Mummy was checking my boy bits as she bought me in from my mowing the lawn duties, when she noticed that one of my testicles appeared bigger than the other and was very scabby, she says she could almost swear they didnt look like that on Saturday.

Anyway this was not bothering me until the humans started to panic, they gave me a butt bath to get the area clean and then Mummy applied some GG Lavendar and Myrhh lotion.

Being a Sunday the vets were not open so Mummy had to wait until this morning before she could rush me there.

The vet told Mummy to stop panicking as the testicle itself wasnt swollen (me is a big boy anyway heehee) it was just the scabs making it look larger.

The vet removed what scabs she could and my skin is pink underneath not filled with pus, so Mummy could relax as it wasnt an abcess.

Me has to have Baytril 0.5ml twice a day for a week and Acidophilus as a probiotic as antibiotics can be bad for delicate piggy tummys.

Mummy also has to remove any loose scabs heeheehee she not looking forward to that.

Me hopes this will clear up in a few days coz as much fun as having a human fondle your testicles can be me is already bored of that game.

Me will keep you updated on my progress

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