
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happig Saint Patricks Day

Today Wednesday 17th March is Saint Patricks day.

Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland and legend says that he ridded the country of all snakes.

Me is going to Ireland........ they still have snakes here in England and me does not want to meet one!!

Nowadays tradition seems to dictate that the humans dress up in green and over indulge on Guiness (yuck me prefers carrot wine everytime)

Do you guys celebrate Saint Patricks day and how do you do it?


  1. The Surrey Squeakers17 March, 2010 09:57

    We'll be having a glass or two of carrot wine to celebrate St Parick's day for several reasons.
    1) Our slave's husband is Irish.
    2) It's our senior slave's birthday.Our grass man is 85 today.
    3) It's the anniversary of our slave and her husband first becoming girlfriend and boyfriend. We're not sure if that counts though because it was so long ago it was probably before St Patrick was born!!

  2. We'll also be raising a glass or two here at Piggyfriends because our Slave is Irish.

    She is wearing her green jumper today.

    We all want to wish the Squeakers' wonderful grass man a very happy birthday.

    It should have been our slave's wedding anniversary today but they had to change the date as that day was fully booked and so it was last week instead.

    Top of the morning to you all.

  3. Happy Birthday Senior Slave

    Happy First Date Anniversary slave and hubby

    We hope none of you are hungover tomorrow morning. That goes for Piggyfriends and Squeakers!!

  4. Happy St Pattys Day everyone. Here our slaves eat cabbage and corn beef! sounds ewww to us.. but our slave Jean loves it! This is a day to wear green.
