
Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Hay Review Part 1

As hay should make up 90% of a piggy diet me has decided to review the brands available to me. Hay is also good for bedding so me will give it a bedding rating as well.

Due to the snow, Mummy had been unable to get out to the pet shop to get my hay.

We nearly ran out so she had to order some online from Tesco who were also delivering the human food. (Tesco were brave enough to come out in the snow Mummy not)

Mummy got us a bag of Tesco Value Hay it cost £3.57 for 1.5kg

The hay is yellow in colour and cut into short strands (me prefers long strands me can munch all the way up)

This was soft hay so good for sleeping on, me wasnt as keen on eating it, but it was not that bad about 5 out of 10 rating from me.

Mummy also thinks the price was high for a Value hay.

Better for sleeping than eating!!

Does any other pig have a comment about Tesco Value Hay feel free to add it.


  1. The Surrey Squeakers28 February, 2010 22:57

    Hmmm - seems quite expensive Agent F. Where our slave works in Alton (Hampshire), it's quite a country area and there's lots of places that sell horse supplies. She goes to one and buys a bale (so heavy she can't even lift it - wimp) for £5. The quality is usually excellent, although it does vary a little depending on the weather we've had. At that price she can afford to be generous with it!

  2. we have never had that type of Hay. We get our hay from a place called Farm and Fleet. Daddy orders 15 bags at a shot! (yes we love our hay!) its Kaytee brand timothy hay. there are 96 ounces in each bag.. The manger at the Farm and Fleet gives our daddy a discount because he orders so much! hehehehe

  3. Our Slave used to buy a big bale of hay for £5 from a local farm. Sounds like the same size that the Surrey Squeakers get. Then the farm switched to baling it up in those HUGE round bales that need a tractor to lift them.

    Now she goes to our nearby petstore where she gets two big bags of hay for £10. We don't know what it weighs but those two bags last our herd for a week.

    It comes from George's Pet Products and is labelled Kent Meadow Farms so it has covered a few hay miles before it gets here to Sussex but we love it. It has lovely long strands and no nasty bits. We give it 10 out of 10.

    We don't like the sound of the Tesco Value Hay but we are glad that you were able to get hay at all during that horrible snow.

    Our Slave was scared to drive in the snow but our pet store delivers.

  4. More hay reviews!

    Yes the Tesco value hay doesn't look very nice and is expensive.

    Mine like the Just for Pets Worcestshire hay, and Oxbow hay (which I have to mortgage my house to buy) and also the readigrass.

  5. Oooooh! We all love ReadiGrass. Slave tries to cut us fresh grass every day but sometimes we have to make do with Readigrass, which is a very good substitute. Yum, yum.
