
Monday, February 1, 2010

Daring Dalmation

Agent 101 is a Dalmation, although there are breed standards for Dalmation we think they must be quiet rare as they have what is known as the fatal gene.

Dalmations and Roans should never be bred with another Dalmation or Roan as this causes horrible birth defects, this is because the gene for the Dalmation/ Roan coat is recessive.

Dalmations and Roans are genetically the same but the colour markings vary.

Many countries dont recognise Dalmations as a show breed.

Dalmations have white hair with coloured spots, feet and head, although the head has a central white blaze along the nose.

The official colours for a Dalmation are Self, Agouti and Argente.

To breed a Dalmation you need a piggy of your chosen colour and a Dalmation, the litter will always contain one self.

Agent 101 was a surplus boar from a litter, we are sure he much prefers his new home.

Agent 101 is a master of mind control he only needs to think of carrots and his Mummy runs to get them for him

Here he is with his best friend Agent Thorntons

[caption id="attachment_452" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Agents 101 + Thorntons Staking Out The Food Bowl "][/caption]


  1. I love his brown tooties!

  2. The Surrey Squeakers03 February, 2010 00:10

    What a handsome fellow! We (The Surrey Squeakers) are sure you will make a superb agent. We agree with Jocelyn's comment above, and they're also great feet for camouflage if you need to walk secretly on chocolate!!

  3. I think you are very cute! I love your agent name too! and those brown piggie toes are so fasionable!!! can go with just about anything:) hehe
    Agent Bumble Bee

  4. Thank you for all the flattering comments! It is good being a special agent.

    Agent 101.
