
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Toothie Problems

Like us guinea pigs, humans can also suffer from problems with their toothies.

Mummy is suffering at the moment, luckily for her the toothie problems have not stopped her eating.

Mummy had to go to the dentist (like a vet but for human teeth) she had to have a filling, she is also waiting for hospital appointment to remove her wisdom tooth that is growing side ways under the gum.

As if that wasnt enough, once she has got all that sorted she needs root canal work and a cap for a tooth that has split.

Poor Mummy

Me is glad my toothies are good!!


  1. Hey buddy,
    Ow your poor slave! My slave also had teefie problems a few years ago. Although she was in pain and lost a lot of wheight she was extremely happy...
    Silly humans...

  2. your poor mommy! we hope she is feeling better soon! you need to give her some cuddles!

  3. We all send lots of love and hugs to your Slave.

    Our Slave had to have her wisdom teeth removed as there was no room for them to grow. This was back in the dark ages when it was done by the dentist not in a hospital.

    Root canal work! Oh dear.
