
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Cutey Cream

Agent Frothy is a self cream, me thinks she looks like she could be my sister.

Dont let Mummy know she has a thing for us blonde piggies.

The breed standard for a self cream says you should have red eyes, pink ears and pads and be a devon cream colour.

Common problems in getting the cream colour right are that if the top of the hair is the right colour the bottom is often too dark.

If the bottom of the hair is the right colour the top of the hair is too pale.

See its a complicated job being this cute.

Us dolly mixes dont care, so there wheeeek

[caption id="attachment_389" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Mmmmm Cute Blonde"]CAPPUCCINO%204%20APR%20'06[/caption]


  1. We guessed the identity of Agent Frothy! Those green beans were a giveaway. We all love those beans too and wish it were summer so that Slave could pick us all some from the garden.

    Welcome to the secret squad Agent Frothy.

  2. Surrey Squeakers13 January, 2010 23:46

    I promise to do my very best at being a secret agent. Thank you for the honour.

    Agent Frothy (The first time I've signed my new name - doesn't it sound good!)

  3. Agent Frothy so glad you are a secret Agent too! You make a very cute Agent!
