
Friday, December 18, 2009

Special Update Whee Have Snow

Well here in my little corner of the UK the snow has fallen overnight and settled, not much at the moment about piggy tummy height but more is on the way.

This is too early for Christmas we suspect it will all be gone by the day.

Ghost has never seen snow before, me has told him it is cold and wet and to be glad he is indoors, it is however very pretty to watch through the window.

Agents please submit weather reports for your region, so any pig wishing to travel knows what to expect.


  1. Agents Badger, Thorntons and Big Red reporting in.

    We have so much snow here in S.E. England that we cannot, at piggy height, see out of the big glass door that leads to the garden.

    Our grass must be covered with the stuff. Yuk!

    Anypig or slave travelling today should take care.

  2. Agent Cannonball reporting in!

    We live in Michigan and no snow has been seen. Me has never seen snow before!

  3. The Surrey Squeakers18 December, 2009 17:44

    Agents Patchwork and Whorlwind here. Lots of snow in our garden. Good job we are in our cosy shed. The trees look very pretty through the window, but we can't have our usual daily grass! We were delivered a tray full of other veggie/fruity treats (things we don't normally get) and actually it's quite an acceptable alternative. Our slave says that the treats cost her a fortune, whilst grass is free, but we have no idea what she's talking about. We just hope that this new food will help our brains. We can't figure out who Agent Dinosaur is (yet).

  4. Whee had about 2 cm of snow here and whole public transport and car traffic is dusrupted. Getting home from work was taking longer than usual for mommy.

  5. Agent Big Red reporting.

    Our Slave measured the snow in our garden and she says that it is 8 inches deep. We are not going out there to verify this.

    We are very upset that Slave cannot cut our grass today. We shall starve!!

  6. Woohoa, loads of snow has fallen overnight, and it's still snowing!! I don't think slaves will go out today...

  7. The sun has come out today and nearly all our snow has gone, but its still cold brrrrrrrr

  8. We have seen the news from the East Coast of the USA where they have even more snow than we have here. We hope that all piggies and Slaves in those areas are safe indoors.

    We have no grass again today. We were thinking of organizing a sit-in by way of complaint but then we don't often do anything else but sit so Slave might not notice the difference.

    From Agents Big Red, Badger and Thorntons.

  9. Agent Thunderbear reporting in!

    Whee had loads of snow, as we reported yesterday.

    This morning both our slaves left the house to go to work. but mommy slave came back within half an hour.
    Due to snow trams were not going. Busses are to be spotted occasionally and the same goes for the trains.
    Mommy could hardly get to work, so phoned work to ask what to do, they told her to stay home....
    So now she is home, whee should attract her attention more often to beg for veggies! Veggie service is not very good, eventhough she is home
