
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Stormy Weather

Here in the UK we are being hit with nasty storm, the weather humans say we have winds of up to 85 miles an hour and we have lots of rain.

It has been very noisy over night keeping us piggies awake as the wind howls down the chimney and made the letter box flap (me kept thinking me had surprise visitor)

Me hopes all the other UK piggies and their humans are OK, we have no damage (touchwood, why silly human superstition)

Me also hopes our international friends are not suffering with bad weather conditions.

All agents please provide weather reports for your area, this is important information in case any piggies wish to go travelling.


  1. Agent Thorntons reporting in.

    The weather is very rough here in the SE of England. Slave's husband had to drive through floods to get home last night. It is extrememly windy here and we fear that our slave will be unable to cut grass for our herd today as she may be blown away ( she is very small for a slave ).

    I advise all piggies to stay indoors today.

  2. Agent Cannonball reporting in!

    Me noticed it is sunny and a window is open. Me has overheard that snow isn't coming soon. Me not know what "snow" is.

    Stay safe Agent Thorntons and Agent F!

  3. Agent Big Red reporting in.

    I was shocked to see that all the leaves in our garden have fallen off the trees! I was worried because the leaves had covered all of our grass and was concerned for our dinner.

    I reported this to Agent Thorntons who told me not to worry as this happens every year. He is older than me and knows about these things.

    It is very windy here and it is still raining.

    Agent Thorntons can remember snow and says that you will not like it, Agent Cannonball.

  4. Me has survived the storm, the humans opened curtains this morning and the sunshine poured in hurray

  5. Agent D reporting in.

    We had loads of wind and rain too, here in the Netherlands.
    Daddy slave drove from Winky girls (us) to Winky team (Agent I and Sassy satin) yesterday evening and reported it was very windy!!

    Hope you were all warm inside.
