
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Harlequin

Yep as you can see from the pigture Agent Bumblebee looks just like a bumblebee a good example of the harlequin markings.

The breed standards for a harlequin say the the head should be half black half yellow and the body should have equal distribution of black and yellow and black/yellow mixture.

Any white means you cant win (no fair, nothing wrong with yellow and white me says)

Agent Bumblebee joined her herd from a Pet Co shop where her Daddy feel in love with her spitfire attitude, she was smallest pig and yet the bossiest (way to go Bumblebee)

Me thinks she was the inspiration for the giant Bumblebee guinea pig in South Park.

[caption id="attachment_480" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Agent Bumblebee"]IMG_0881[/caption]


  1. Halloween Piggyfriend says that Agent Bumblebee has the same colours as he does.

    Our Rodentologist always forgets his name and calls him Harlequin.

    Agent Bumblebee is more stripey than he is and really does resemble a bee. How lovely.

    Our slave loves South Park and can see the resemblance.

  2. Ah, very cute, still don't know who this piggie belongs too...

    Love the Southpark episode as well,
    (and search for other parts of the episode)

    Agent D, Lil'Woop and Valentino

  3. hmm, sorry the link I added contains (loud) music.

    You might also be able to watch the episode on
    Search for 'pandemic', there are 2 episodes with guineas in it.

  4. The Surrey Squeakers25 November, 2009 22:43

    We LOVE your stripes and colouring, Agent Bumblebee. Great agent name too. If you rob a Christmas fairy of some wings, you'll have the best disguise ever!

  5. Aww the lovely spitfire little imp belongs the the "Misfits"! She is a true boss piggie indeed! We love our little Athena aka: Agent Bumble Bee!!!

  6. We were right. We guessed that this agent is Athena of the Misfits. Are there prizes for guessing?

  7. Just the joy of knowing how clever you are ;)

  8. Not clever, just nosy. We like to know all about everyone else's pigs too!
