
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Guest Number 7

Agent Thorntons is a boy from a mixed herd in the UK

His agent name is a famous chain of shops in the UK (one of mummies favourites)

His mummy says he is a bit porky but would be good at flattening enemy agents by rolling on them. (we wont tell you what he said about her)

Agent Thorntons came from a local shelter and has never told his Mummy about his past (a truly dedicated agent)

His real name is also a variety of confectionary that mummy is very fond of especially the giant version, it is also something humans use to keep their clothes from falling off.

Hope me has confused you enough get guessing


  1. wow, this is a hard one.
    Whee had to consult Daddy slave and google it,
    but still not sure.
    We do know it's not suspenders!

  2. OK 1 more clue just for you.........

    What are the other mothers eyes made of in the film Corraline??

  3. whee know it, and saw the PF's uploaded new photo's... they have a piggy with that name..

  4. I was just going to leave a message to suggest that a look at the PF Photobucket site might help with the identification of Agent Thorntons and I see that Agent D, lil'Woop and Valentino have beaten me to it.

    Well done you three.

    P.S. We never saw the film Corraline so we would not have guessed from that clue Agent F but then, we knew anyway!!
