
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Guest Number 5

Guest number 5 has chosen the name Agent Big Red

Big Red is a boy from a mixed herd in the UK

He is the first of our super selfs, can you guess what colour he is?

His real name is a precious stone that also relates to his colour.

Big Red weighs in at 3.5 pounds (that would explain the big part of his name)

Unlike most of my friends Big Red is not a dolly mixture he is the real thing!!! WOW

So start guessing


  1. The Surrey Squeakers24 October, 2009 23:35

    The Squeakers think they know who Agent BR might be, but they didn't know he was THAT big! Wow! It must take a lot of veggie-eating to become 3.5 pounds. We are very impressed. Looking forward to the pigture.

  2. Hey guys! Come and have a look at this. I think that this might be me! Wow!
