
Monday, August 10, 2009

Passing the Message on

Me dont know if any of your humans can help Cavy Madness but please click the link to see if there is anything you can do.

We must use our global piggy power to help all the guinea pigs we can!!!


  1. [...] This post was Twitted by winkyteam [...]

  2. Ehm, Winky team, you mean Tweeted?

    Sorry to not be near there, we really like Big C to get a new friend...
    Found out Daddy likes white rexes... They look like little polar bears he said...

    We see an opening there to get more piggies in the house.. *evil grin* (also from our female slave).

    Did we tell you yet mummy's collegue's piggies Meg and Lisa (names from the simpsons) are coming to stay for almost 3 wheeks :D We'd love to play with those girls.
    NO, not you Big C, pfft Men...
