
Friday, August 14, 2009

Me is Very Sad

Mummy told me last night that one of our special human friends has the big C, sadly is has spread throughout her body and she is in hospital waiting to cross the rainbow bridge.

My friend is very good to me whenever she goes abroad she goes straight to the pet section of the hyper market to find guinea pig treats for me.

She banned her neighbour from using weedkiller on his overgrown garden so she could pick fresh dandelions for me.

She would share her beans and lettuces freshly grown with me and she would never throw a kitchen towel roll tube away she gave them to me to play with.

Mummy says the doctors are making sure she has no pain but that is all they can do for her.

I hope you understand I will taking a little break from blogging to devote my energy to my friend.

Dont worry I will be back and with a special post from a guinea pig secret agent friend.


  1. Hey buddy,

    Aahh a big hug from me! Be sure to give your slave an extra noserub in her neck (mine loves that, especially when she's down. But be carefull, they sometimes leak when they're really down)

    Take all the time you need buddy! We'll keep paws crossed that your human friend doesnt have too much pain and I'm sure that when she goes (hopefully a really long time from now) Bubble will be waiting for her at the bridge.

    @your slave: *neck nose rub*
    Manly hug! And piggy kisses from my girls (dont tell sammy)


    P.s. Who's the secret agent friend? Do i know him??

  2. Hello

    Whee will cross our paws for your friend too. We do like some of our sleves friends as well, especially when they bring us food.

    Lots of piggy hugs


    Badger and Weasel

  3. The Piggyfriends send lots of hugs.

    What a wonderful human friend to give you all that fresh food and presents.

    All paws crossed for your slave's friend that she is kept free from pain until she makes her journey to the Rainbow Bridge, where many little piggies will be waiting to welcome her.

  4. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. I'll miss your blogs as they alway put a smile on my face.

    Hugs and piggy kids to all.

  5. Well, the other comments say it all!
    We'll keep our paws crossed for your slave's friend.
    We will miss your posts, but take all the time you need!

    Hugs and piggie kisses for your slaves.
