
Monday, June 1, 2009

Humans Need Exercise

As you may have observed humans are lazy creatures quiet happy to spend hours sitting on their bums watching TV or using the pc when you could be using it, it is your job as a responsible guinea pig to make sure they get enough exercise.

Here is how I help mummy and daddy;

When I am out mowing the lawn or having floor time there comes a point when the humans want me to go back to bed, normally I would go back to bed by myself or run into tent or tube for them to pick up, dont do it, this is what they want and it encourages laziness!!!

When they want you to go to bed, run in the opposite direction, when they get close run to where you just were, it takes them a while but they realise what you are up to, when this happens start running at random, change direction and keep going.

You can also lay down pretending to be tired until they get near and run away again.

When you think they have had enough exercise you can safely hop into bed/tent/tube and allow them to think they have won heehee

Remember the humans need regular exercise!!!

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