
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cuddle Time Is Over.........................

Now I love a cuddle as much as the next guinea pig, there is nowhere more comfortable to sleep than in a cozy human lap, the problem is when I have napped and am refreshed I want to be let go and the humans are not mind readers.

Here is how I have trained them to know cuddle time is over;

I have a special towel to cuddle on, so when I want to be let go I bite the towel, if they ignore that I bite it again, if they ignore that I bite it one more time if they still ignore that............................. I poop on the towel.

It took a couple of times to train them but now they know, let me go or I will poop on you!!

Some piggies use the bum dance in the same way, wiggle your bum while walking backwards and if they dont let you go before you finish the dance poop on them.

We will get these humans trained!!

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