
Friday, May 22, 2009

Whats behind the sofa?

Well fellow guinea pig spy's I have found a conspiracy in my home, the humans have a large thing to sit on called a sofa (this is fine it keeps them off the floor out of my way)

The problem is although it makes a perfect tunnel I am not allowed behind it!!

It is well guarded blocked by a box at one end and some sort of plastic at the other, sometimes I get close enough to chew the plastic but then the guard (mummy) chases me away.

My question is whats behind there and why cant I see it??

Have any of you got similar problems?


  1. Hmm I suspect that is where the slave hide all the real yummy stuff.. maybe carrot beer? or your egg card?

    ORRR.. maybe our theory about portals is true and we can really travel like star pigs (beam me up punkie!)

    Let me know what you find out!
    Agent I

  2. OK Agent I, Agent F has accepted the mission.

    Get behind the sofa and find out what is behind there at all costs

  3. Very good Agent F.
    Report back to us once you find out more.
