
Friday, January 24, 2025

We Came out of Hiding for a Photo!

Sephora and Capy here!  Our mom adopted us a couple of months ago but up until now, we have been pretty good about hiding whenever she wanted to take a photo.  We made sure she didn't see us at all for the first few days we were with her.  Piggies cannot be too mysterious!



After Scottie passed away (sadly we never knew him), our mom wasn't sure she would ever adopt any more guinea pigs.  That did not last long, though, and she soon began a search which happily ended with us!  We are two sisters, about a year old, who were left at a vet's office.  A kind person there took us home, knowing she couldn't keep us, but she wanted to give us a chance.  She took excellent care of us while we waited for our forever home!

We came complete with all sorts of good hay and other food, and with our names!  In the photo, I, Sephora (I'm the one who looks like I'm wearing make-up) am on the left and I, Capy (I look like a capybara) am on the right.  You can also see our green sofa and our colorful rolled cozy.

Capy: Sephora thinks the green sofa is hers, and doesn't think I should be allowed to sit on it.  She thinks the bowls are hers, too!

Sephora: A girl has to eat!  Besides, the green sofa is, indeed, mine...

We like to play with paper bags and one of our favourite veggies is romaine.  Cucumber is high on our list too!  We still run from mom (unless food is involved, in which case we crowd around her hand), but when she picks us up and gently rubs our ears, we highly approve!

Thanks for letting us introduce ourselves!  Maybe we will agree to another photo soon...


Thursday, January 9, 2025

Slave's Christmas presents.

Hello Readers,

The Piggyfriends' Slave received these lovely little model piggies for Christmas. Her son made them on his 3D printer and then he painted them.

Here is the group of fantasy piggies.....

.....and here they are individually.

                                                            A tiny piggy king.


                                                         His tiny piggy wizard.

Finally, here is his little piggy jester. We think there should be a tiny piggy queen too but there wasn't a pattern to make one. Maybe next Christmas.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Holiday Greetings from the Prairie Pigs

Lovely Rita is here to convey our warmest holiday greetings to everyone and everypig out there!  We hope your weather was warmer than ours and that you have much less snow than we do.  (It's all very well to be "dreaming of a White Christmas", but a bit of picturesque hoar frost on the tips of branches would do just fine; no one needs three feet of snow covering all that tasty grass!)

It has been a good year for the Prairie Pigs; there are eight of us at the moment, the most Prairie Pigs there  have ever been.  Pig Mum's veggie garden did very well this year and we had many new and tasty things to eat all summer; we will be munching on carrots from that garden well into 2025.  

You have already heard about Padraig, who joined us in October, but early in the New Year, you will also get to meet an even newer Prairie Pig whose name is Serafina, a little orphan girl piggy who came to us from the local Humane Society shelter at only a few weeks old and weighing less than 100 grams.  She is growing fast and we are all helping to teach her how to be a guinea pig.

This is the first pigture Pig Mum took of Serafina, just after Serafina realized there was a guinea pig in the cage next door to hers --- she is trying to see over the divider into Padraig's cage, but she is not quite tall enough to get a really good look yet...

Stay tuned to hear her whole story!