
Saturday, December 28, 2024

Christmas Card at Piggyfriends

We had a lovely Christmas card from the Surrey Squeakers with a piggy on the front! Here is a photo of it.

Hattie Piggyfriend said " That piggy looks just like me! I wonder who she is? Is she one of the Squeakers?"

We took a photo of Hattie in the same pose and tried to copy the props.


We have taken better photos but you get the idea! "Life imitating art" says Slave ( whatever that means....!)

 We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with lots of treats.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Christmas morning at Piggyfriends.

 Father Pigmas has been in the night and left treats for the Piggyfriends.

"Was that really Father Pigmas?" asks Benedict. " Doesn't he look a lot like our Valentine? I know that we were not meant to peek but I couldn't help it. He came down the chimney and left me this lovely big carrot."

"I will be busy eating this all day long."

Peaches comes running over to the other piggies. " Wake up piggies! Father Pigmas has been and left us all of these wonderful veggies."

Heidi leads all the piggies out to survey the bountiful supply of veggies. "Heidi," asks Peaches," How does Father Pigmas get all these veggies down the chimney?"

" That is done by magic," replies Heidi, " Christmas magic! Now I am going to eat this carrot. Come and join me all of you Piggyfriends."

The Piggyfriends would like to wish all of our readers a very Happy Christmas.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Christmas at Piggyfriends.

 "Help!" says Dara."What is all this stuff and where is Declan?"

"Don't worry Dara," says Declan," I am coming!"

The two piggies look bemused until Slave tells them all about Christmas.

"So, if we have been good piggies, we will all get a treat in the morning?" asks Dara. "We are always good," says Declan, " because we are Peruvians."

Slave tells all of the piggies that Father Pigmas will come in the night and leave gifts.

"Sounds good to me," says Dara. "I can't wait until morning."