Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday Video: The German #Olympigs Meerschweinchen

In the spirit of the #Olympigs, this week some footage from German television. The reporter wants to know how fast guinea pigs really are. Cassie shows the camera man (2:06 min into the video) that she can run 4 to 6 meters per second. In human time this is 21 km in an hour (or 13 miles).

Mister Usain Bolt runs 200 meters in 19.32 seconds. So he still is faster than us pigs; the same distance would take a fast piggy about 33 seconds (if he or she has the stamina, we are better suited for the 200 cm sprint)

Have a nice Wheekend!


  1. Thanks for the piggy fix

    Piggyless on holiday

  2. awww that had some cute piggies in it. Didnt understand what they were saying:) but that is ok as I love to see piggies:) And that piggie in the end sure was running fast. Poor baby, I am sure he was one scared piggie.

  3. We only run that fast when food is in the offing. Slave translated some of the story for us but it didn't matter as it was fun to see the German piggies.

  4. Good to hear you were able to enjoy the german piggies without understanding what was said. We were hoping for that ;-). We wouldn't normally post things like this, but in the spirit of the Olympigs we thought it would be nice.
